History of Framingham Airport 1929-1946 : by Wally Smith
Object ID:
VE Exhibit Label 1:
12 Lewis Kimball in front of Bird BD NC767Y at Framingham Airport about 1937 (top)
Wally Smith in front of Piper J-2 Cub at Framingham Airport about 1937 (bottom)

13 Walter Robbins in cockpit, L. Plouffe standing. Secondary glider of Natick Aero Club (top)
Natick Aero Club's secondary glider at Framingham. Curtiss Robin in background. The glider was finally sold to Grant Johnson of Everett, Mass.(bottom)

14 1933 Waco UIC Serial no.3724 at Framingham Airport shortly after 1938 hurricane-hangar still on ground

15 Curtis Robin C1

16 1929 Ox-5 powered Commandaire - Teddy Gould's house in background

17 Taylor J-2 Cub - hangar and MCI Framingham, known then as the Reforatory for Women

18 1932 Waco UEC

19 Bird BK at Framingham about 1939 - reportedly Anne M. Lindberg learned to fly in this airplane.

20 1929 Bird BK: same airplane as above at Framingham. Restored by Bill Champlin of Skyhaven, Rochester, N.H. Photo taken at South Weymouth Naval Air Station.

21 Stan Orzeck's "The Clunk" Aeromarine 3 cyl.

22 One of Clarence Chamberlin's Curtiss Condors - Note "Fly $1" sign under wing. (top)
American Airlines Condor - type which landed at Framingham
Waco BSL NC603N stands ready on Air Services line. Framingham Airport.
Air Service's Curtiss Robin NC531N. Note Wright J-6 ticking over. (bottom)
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12 Kimball And Smith12 Kimball And Smith
13 Walter Robbins13 Walter Robbins
14 1933 Waco14 1933 Waco
15 Curtiss Robin15 Curtiss Robin
16 1929 Ox-516 1929 Ox-5
17 Taylor J-2 Cub17 Taylor J-2 Cub
18 1932 Waco Uec18 1932 Waco Uec
19 Bird Bk19 Bird Bk
20 1929 Bird Bk20 1929 Bird Bk
21 The Clunk21 The Clunk
22 4 Airplanes22 4 Airplanes