History of Framingham Airport 1929-1946 : by Wally Smith
Object ID:
VE Exhibit Label 1:
23 1934 Waco UKC

24 Framingham Airport September 29, 1938

25 Cub taking off with row of trees lining Western Avenue (top left)
Labor Day weekend 1939 Vought SBU-1and Grumman piloted by Don Smith - Floyd Bennett Field Brooklyn (top right)
Rearwin Cloudster - note Sikorsky hull in background (bottom)

26 Taylor J-2 "Silver Cub" in hangar - Framingham Airport

27 The Hindenburg flying over Framingham Center. Picture taken by Raymond Pariseau of Ashland, Mass from Lombard Governor Corp. Speck between airship and chimney is Fleet NC402K piloted by Chick Andrews

28 How to wash Stan Orzeck's Taylor F-2 Cub - Aeromarin engine

29 Captain Ray Loomis' Ford Trimotor - September 1941. Left for Fort Benning, Georgia to train paratroopers

30 L to R Stan Orzeck, Al Sebastien and Gerry Parmenter at Framingham

31 Sam Sweet's KR-34 comes to grief April 20, 1941 at Framingham Airport

32 Ray Brooks poses in front of his Tayler J-2 Cub at Framingham Airport (top)
Waco CKG - one of a kind visits Framingham (bottom)

33 NC23784 Stinson 105 1939. S/N7244 Registered 1966 in Spokane, Washington (top)
Demonstration of anti-aircraft gun at Framingham on June 30, 1940 (bottom)
Click to Enlarge
23 1934 Waco Ukc23 1934 Waco Ukc
24 Framingham Airport 193824 Framingham Airport 1938
25 Labor Day Weekend25 Labor Day Weekend
26 Taylor J2 Silver Cub26 Taylor J2 Silver Cub
27 Hindenburg27 Hindenburg
28 Washing Stan Orzeck's Taylor Cub28 Washing Stan Orzeck's Taylor Cub
29 Ray Loomis' Ford Trimotor29 Ray Loomis' Ford Trimotor
30 Orzbeck Sebastien And Parmenter30 Orzbeck Sebastien And Parmenter
31 Sam Sweet's Kr 3431 Sam Sweet's Kr 34
32 Ray Brooks32 Ray Brooks
33 Stinson & Anti Aircraft Gun33 Stinson & Anti Aircraft Gun