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ABOVE: Our old (vintage 1942, according to its serial number) C-47A was s/n 2101018, and here we see our pal, Elmer Berry, left, getting ready for XC flight in the "relic", and yakking with Joe Sheehan, who was going along as crew chief for this trip to Jacksonville, FL in 1950. The "Real" crew chief of this "gooney bird" was Frank Kiessling, who is topping off the wings tanks in background. Frank was a crackerjack C-47 man, knew this plan's workings intimately, we are sure!!!!
ABOVE: Young Paul M. Paulsen stands in doorway of a C-47A, probably s/n223773, judging by Spartan interior, as opposed to the airline-seated #1018, which also served as Governors' "hack" on occasion, right up until taken back by USAF in 1964 (off to Viet.!!)
By 1960 Logan ramp was changing rapidly; MASSPORT types were being pressured by the major airlines to "get rid" of the pesky fighter jets. What they really wanted was a lot of valuable real estate that WE were using., had been using for 40 years. Politics would win out, and Air Guard would be moved down to Otis AFB in a couple more years!! Paulsen shot this from roof of our old administration building in East Boston, looking down at our C-47A, old #1018, plus some F-86Hs. Note new Logan tower building in use!! Half minute time exposure was made on a foggy night in NOV., 1960. Soon there would be erected at center of picture a huge new EASTERN AIRLINES hangar for Shuttle.
Our "old-faithful" C-47A, s/n 2101018, seen undergoing 100 hour check at Logan, in our maintenance hangar. We hoped it would get done ASAP, so's we could be part of the action at the upcoming Mardi Gras festival in New Orleans, LA!!!!! Note that F-86H in background; the four red stripes meant it was Col Chris's!!!! (that's the 86 that Bob Hoover used to show our guys how to fly the SABREJET)
RIGHT: This air view of one of our MASS ANG "Thunderchickens" I shot from navigator's sighting dome on roof of our C-47A. This was in 1950, during brief time our pilots got to fly the early, straightwinged F-84Bs. On this gunnery mission, we hauled the target sleeve, as a zealous gang of pilots made a concerted attack upon target, also punching some holes in our C-47A!!! That was a NO NO!! Not only THAT, but one cannon slug went through the roof of a house in Rockport (we were over Gloucester Harbor for much of our target-shooting practice). I think Capt. Al Bolton flew this particular F-84B here.