W. Starling Burgess : Massachusetts Aviation Pioneer
Object ID:
VE Exhibit Label 1:
Twin Hydro
The Burgess Company Twin Hydro was a two place, twin engine tractor hydro biplane. It was ordered on December 4, 1916 by the U.S. Army for coastal reconnaissance duty. There were thirty two ordered and one built. Its first flight was on August 1, 1917 and delivered in August 1917. The price was $21,422 for the aircraft and $26,822 with the engines.

The Twin Hydro was powered with two Sturtevant 5A V-8 140 hp engines with 8'10" counter-rotating propellers. Its maximum speed was 78 mph with a rate of climb of 350 fpm. It had an upper span of 72'6", lower span 59'9", length 32'5", chord 7'7", and a gross weight of 5,380 lbs.

The control system included balanced ailerons on the upper wing. The original contract specified 16 twin hydros with Sturtevant 140 hp engines and 16 with Wright built Hispano-Suiza 125 hp engines.

The first twin hydro was accepted by the U.S. Army in August. As a result of an ongoing review of the Army aviation, the coastal defense mission had changed resulting in the cancellation of the 31 remaining twin hydros. The single aircraft completed was transferred to the U.S. Navy at the submarine base at New London, Connecticut where it was used for anti-submarine warfare tests.

Its U.S. Army Serial number was #SC-332 and its U.S. Navy Serial number was #-unk.
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Twin HydroTwin Hydro
Twin Hydro MarbleheadTwin Hydro Marblehead
Twin Hydro Under ConstructionTwin Hydro Under Construction