Become a MASM Pathfinder

  • The first 100 donors of unrestricted gifts of $5000 will become MASM Pathfinders
  • Pathfinders will receive special recognition in all MASM opening events and publicity
  • A limited number of Pathfinder opportunities are still available

The following organizations have contributed to MASM at the Pathfinder level

General Electric Donation
Mass ANG Historical Association
Mass Develop Finance Agency
Military Historical Society of Massachusetts

We also would like to thank the following individual Pathfinders for their generous support and partnership:

Anne Baddour
Shelia Bauer
Ernie Boch, Jr.
Charles and Ann Campbel
Raymond Crane
Thomas S. Cuddy II
William Deane
M.Joseph DeMatteo
Joseph Dini
Francis Doyle
Norman Fredkin
John Garabedian
Harry Gillogly
David Graham
Thomas Judge
Marie C. Lepore
Ron Lombard
A. J. McCarthy
Daniel B. McDuffie
Larry McGlynn
Timothy Muldoon
Albert J. Mundo
Ed Nardi
Georgia Pappas
Alan Rieper
David Meerman Scott
Robert Segal
Joseph R. White